Iberian Early Music Studies 1

Musical Exchanges, 1100-1650: Iberian Connections
Manuel Pedro Ferreira (ed.)
2016; xii, 392 pp. Hardcover; 16,5 x 24 cm.; inglés.
(Iberian Early Music Studies 2)
ISSN: 2364-6969
ISBN: 978-3-944244-57-0
76,- €

Music in the Iberian Peninsula has been often treated in isolation from trends beyond the Pyrenees, and seldom has its local repertoire been approached from an inter-regional angle. However it has become increasingly clear that it has both an international and inter-regional scope. This book is an outcome of the research project «Musical exchanges, 1100-1650: The circulation of early music in Europe and overseas in Iberian and Iberian-related sources». It encompasses a historical introduction and fifteen chapters by both more established and junior scholars, focusing on different aspects of exchange, influence, and circulation, thus providing a much-needed counterpoint to current, nation-biased narratives.




1. Manuel Pedro Ferreira: Emulation and Hybridisation in Iberia: A Medieval Background

Musical exchanges


2. Arturo Tello Ruiz-Pérez: Center and Periphery Again: Could Spain be Considered an Independent Tradition of Liturgical Song?

3. Kathleen E. Nelson: The Notated Exultet in Braga’s Missal de Mateus: Known Tradition or New Composition?

4. Diogo Alte da Veiga: Twelfth and Thirteenth-Century Breviary Fragments in Moissac and the Rite of Braga: Some Preliminary Insights

5. Kate Helsen: The European Affiliations of MS Porto BPM 1151

6. Rui Araújo: Trouvère Elements in the Cantigas de Santa Maria


7. Bernadette Nelson: Urrede’s Legacy and Hymns for Corpus Christi in Portuguese Sources: Aspects of Musical Transmission and Influence

8. Juan Ruiz Jiménez: Himnario de la catedral de Sevilla versus Intonarium Toletanum (Alcalá de Henares, 1515)

9. João Pedro d’Alvarenga: Some Identifying Features of Late-Fifteenth- and Early-Sixteenth-Century Portuguese Polyphony

10. Owen Rees: The Coimbra Manuscripts and the ‘Spanish Court Repertory’: The Motet Peccavi domine

11. Tess Knighton: Gonçalo de Baena’s Arte para tanger (Lisboa, 1540): Local and International Repertories

12. Emilio Ros-Fábregas: Franco-Flemish Polyphony versus Palestrina in Spanish Choirbooks with Renaissance Repertory and the Case of Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, M. 682: Towards a Revised Census-Catalogue

13. Omar Morales Abril: Presencia de música y músicos portugueses en el virreinato de la Nueva España y la provincia de Guatemala, siglos XVI–XVII

Other sources, other connections

14. David Hiley: Collatum miseris: A Little-Known English Liturgical Office for Saint James. Politics and Plainchant in the Time of Henry II

15. Thomas Forrest Kelly: Beneventan Sources in Iberia

16. Ana Gaunt: The Arouca Polyphonic Codex



Manuel Pedro Ferreira had his PhD from Princeton University and is an Associate Professor at the Universidade Nova, Lisbon, where he chairs the Centre for Studies in Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM) and directs the early music ensemble Vozes Alfonsinas. Author of many papers and books, e.g. Cantus coronatus (Kassel, 2005), Aspectos da Música Medieval (Lisbon, 2009-2010) and Revisiting the Music of Medieval France (Farnham-Burlington, 2012), he is a member of the Academia Europaea and Director-at-large of the International Musicological Society.


See also:


Manuel Pedro Ferreira
Cantus Coronatus. 7 Cantigas d'El-Rei Dom Dinis /
by King Dinis of Portugal

2005; xii, 308 pp. Hardcover; 16,5 x 24 cm.; por., eng.
(DeMusica 10)
ISBN: 978-3-937734-09-5 | 61,- €